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For anyone who isn't sure what he's talking about, here's the link:
Still trying to find the best placement on the site...
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
Probably another electric boat that you can't buy haha.
Maybe a 24 footer?
Also- what an odd time for a new product release. This boat will have ZERO availability for the summer (at least in the midwest). I guess just a really early product release for 2013.
24 footer seems like the most logical thing if it's indeed a new model. Every major wake boat manufacturer out there has 24' models now, no reason why Nautique shouldn't enter that market.
If it is a redesigned 210, I'd be...not happy, haha.
Indeed this is probably the long-speculated, oft-whispered 24+ foot boat. I have been expecting them to announce that for years though, and March 2012 seems like a weird time to announce it.
I mean Soven even says it. New boat. Big.
What is it though? Reminds me of my efforts this month trying to figure out what the iPad 3 is going to be. With the approach of the iPad 3 release, I've been trying to pick apart Apple's messaging and glean as much as possible from every little word, or omission of word, or blurry pixel. If a company isn't talking, they just aren't talking. Fortunately for us, Nautique has a gabby dealer network and I am sure that most of them already know what this is. Maybe photos of it. I am trying to read between the lines on this, and coming up short.
One of their competitors recently did one of these "announcements of an announcement of something in development" things and it was such a huge let down. From the run up to it, I would have thought they were building a factory in orbit above Jupiter. In the end it was just a boat - a boat that already existed. I don't think that's what's happening here but I can't rule it out. It's a slow market, and loud, dramatic news travels faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.
Top 3 Guesses
1. 24-25 foot Super Air Nautique
2. 24-25 foot Super Air Nautique, Icon Edition simultaneous launch (Murray boat).
3. Electric, Hybrid, or Diesel power for a/the Super Air Nautique/s.
PS - What happened to the electric 230? I thought we were supposed to see pictures of that during the boat show season after the 1st of the year. I never saw it, personally.
Top 3 Guesses
1. 24-25 foot Super Air Nautique
2. 24-25 foot Super Air Nautique, Icon Edition simultaneous launch (Murray boat).
3. Electric, Hybrid, or Diesel power for a/the Super Air Nautique/s.
#2 sounds most likely......or maybe its what I want most