This article is designed to provide a basic
summary of what needs to be done in order to properly winterize an inboard
engine. If you don't understand any of these instructions, it is recommended
that you contact your local dealer for clarification or let them service
your boat.
Add stabil to your gasoline
Run engine up to operating temperature and make sure all gauges are
functioning properly while attached to a garden hose or fake-a-lake
Shut engine down after it reaches operating temp (140-160)
Drain manifolds, the block, trans cooler, v-drive (if applicable) and any
other areas that recieve cooling water
Reinstall plugs and run the engine to add non toxic antifreeze and fogging
Check all plugs for antifreeze
Tighten plugs and reattach any unattached hoses
Spray fogging oil on any moving parts (shift cable, throttle cable, etc) and
on the battery terminals after the battery is disconnected
Remove water from Speedo lines and drain ballast tanks (if applicable)
These instructions are only for winterizing the engine and don't include
heaters and showers.
As stated before, if you are unsure of what you are doing, contact your
dealer for further assistance. |