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Hey everyone just wanted to know if any of you would like to sell a sv211 prop. I prefer the 14.5 14.25 RH however I am pretty desparate b/c I ran over a rock.
Anybody with a 1234 is going to want to keep it. You might have better luck finding a 536 or a 644 (13.25x16). The larger diameter props cost about $100 more so keep that in mind as well. I just sold my old 644 spare for $200 then realized props had gone up about $100 since I had bought it. You should expect to pay up to $300 for a "like new" 13" prop, $200 or less for a rebuilt or slightly tweaked 13" prop. New 14" props are going to set you back $500 from Board it up or Delta Prop (with discount code).
I just sent my 1272 back. Slalom skiers take note the 1272 threw up spray (think liquid golf balls) up to my knees at 28 off. I switched back to my 1160 and sent the 1272 back in trade for a 1234 in hope the reduced cup will eliminate some of the spray. On the positive note the 1272 is probably the perfect prop for the barefooting wakeboarder behing a ZR6.
I got a 816 RH (stock on the SV211 Team w/ ZR6) and a 536 RH (aftermarket prop purchased for more hole shot) for sale. Let me know if your interested in either one.