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The 422 is incredible! Smooth as butter, excellent holeshot and more topend. It was a good price until I got hit with the "border fee" of 94 bucks. And yes, it would be very tough to put the federal on after being spoiled by the 422 however I will not be withouth a spare - I have two federals so I am getting rid of one. Is 125 a fair price? I looked back in the forum to find the prices of these and most seemed to be 125-150. If 125 is way to high then let me know.
New ride 2005 SN 196
Sold 2010-09-05 - 1990 SN - 610 hrs
I think that's perfectly fair. You might want to check with our european counterparts. It's very hard to get props there and even with shipping you both might come out ahead.
Travis Fling
Choctaw Lake
Current - 1989 Ski Nautique 2001
No site overhere. We read yours.
For your info we, also are in favour of the ACME or OJ.
Yep its smooth the AMCE.
Putting the Federal back when I sold my 1991SN, gave my wife the creeps, she thought the engine making rough noise. Federal prop indeed makes more noise, surely first 5 seconds from take of, it "gurgels".
Overall 9 out of 10 are reparable, so most of us dont carry a spare.
Chief351 - I think they just read ours, but they're usually a pretty cool bunch. I don't remember what boat Adrian is running (he's in Spain) but he might be one to check with. No idea, though... I used to live over there for a few years, so I remember it being very difficult.
Travis Fling
Choctaw Lake
Current - 1989 Ski Nautique 2001