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Hey Dan, sorry to read about your luck today on Lewie. As you said,could have been alot worse. I was very impressed with how fast you had it all apart. I did the same thing about 3 years ago. Be sure to list on CC fan also, as you may just come across a deal.
Good Luck, Dee
2008 Super Air 210----- Current Boat
2007 Super Air 220 ----- Former Boat
2004 SV 211 ----- Former Boat
1990 Sport Nautique ---- Former Boat
Thanks Dee - had to get her apart and triage the damage. I feel lucky that the shaft snapped and didn't hurt anything else to speak of. It was obviously still true as it slid right out of the log.
If I can find a replacement rudder this week I hope to be back on the water this weekend, though a couple of friends have offered pulls if I end up boatless for a time.
PS - I could use advice on reinstalling the rudder. I have never had to do that before, so I'm not sure what lube to use, how tight to make it, any "tricks", etc.