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Want to buy the ski racks that mount on the sides that hold two skis. Think they are made from aluminum and were a CC option. I guess they are no longer made, if you have a pair you want to sell, let me know.
2004 196 LE Black/Grey
330HP Excalibur Water Churner
2002 Grey F150 Harley
475+HP Supercharged Tire Burner
When I went to see Jeff at the opening of Nautiques Of Orlando, he called CC, and they had two sets in stock. "My" price was $750.00 plus shipping. :shock:
I talked with Bob Bense (think that was his name) from CC West Coast at the Seattle Boat Show and he checked (supposedly) through his network and said he could not find any anywhere, I would assume he would check with CC but can't confirm that. $750.00 + is a chuck but if that's it and they have a pair, I may pony up. I'll call them, thanks for the info Mike
2004 196 LE Black/Grey
330HP Excalibur Water Churner
2002 Grey F150 Harley
475+HP Supercharged Tire Burner
I talked with Bob Bense (think that was his name) from CC West Coast at the Seattle Boat Show and he checked (supposedly) through his network and said he could not find any anywhere, I would assume he would check with CC but can't confirm that. $750.00 + is a chuck but if that's it and they have a pair, I may pony up. I'll call them, thanks for the info Mike