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that's a killer deal on a really clean boat. No registration numbers on the boat = private lake? no plates on the truck either... hmmm. Very interesting though.
Travis Fling
Choctaw Lake
Current - 1989 Ski Nautique 2001
The guy selling this boat is a auto wholesaler. This looks very legite to me. If it were a scam, he would not post 20+ pics, plus the detailed description. Somebody will jump on this assuming all is mechanically well...
Ad says "ONLY 510 hrs"?? killer price though. Hard choice to decide vs a boat from an original owner with lower hrs for a little bit more money.. I believe you get what you pay for.. but with the recent 4k price drop on NADA I'm sure there will be more boats to come from banks and auctions with killer prices.
510 hours really isnt that many for an 05 if it was taken care of. It could have been used for up to 4 summers, so that is only 125 hours a year. I put that on my boat and probably only ride two weekends a month. I do ride year round though.
I spoke with the guy about it yesterday, he said that he bought it at auction from a finance company that only lends money to military folks. Apparently the previous owner bought it from a dealer out there in Oregon, and the owner before that was a kids camp out there somewhere. Seems like a legit deal; the guy selling the boat admitted he is a professional gambler. Although I'm in the market, this boat has too much baggage for me. Also, not my favorite color :grin: