Looking to get rid of some stuff I've been kicking around for a while. Here's the list.
Red Bimini top. Great condition. I think it is meant for a 211. Measures 85" between the mount areas and has some play to make fit something close that wide. I don't have the hardware for it, but you can get it at any local shop for about twenty bucks.
Make offer
2008 Liquid Force Press 142 still in the plastic. New, never used. $250
Hyperlite Drifter 136. In good condition, never slid. I was going to make it into a board bench but haven't had time. Still in very good condition and very ridable if you are into a 4 finned swallow tail board. Make offer
2005 Hyperlite Parks Bindings w/ spare set of overlays. Size Large. Good Condition $100
2008 Ronin (Burton) Snowboard Jacket. Great condition (10k breathable, 10k waterproof). Yellow. Jacket Retails for 250. $150 takes it.
Call Jeremy
512 636 8630
Red Bimini top. Great condition. I think it is meant for a 211. Measures 85" between the mount areas and has some play to make fit something close that wide. I don't have the hardware for it, but you can get it at any local shop for about twenty bucks.
Make offer
2008 Liquid Force Press 142 still in the plastic. New, never used. $250
Hyperlite Drifter 136. In good condition, never slid. I was going to make it into a board bench but haven't had time. Still in very good condition and very ridable if you are into a 4 finned swallow tail board. Make offer
2005 Hyperlite Parks Bindings w/ spare set of overlays. Size Large. Good Condition $100
2008 Ronin (Burton) Snowboard Jacket. Great condition (10k breathable, 10k waterproof). Yellow. Jacket Retails for 250. $150 takes it.
Call Jeremy
512 636 8630