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I think someone would be pretty hard pressed to get their money out of that boat if they invested an interior and carpet not including the labor to do it. I bet the price could be played with though.
I agree with Don. Considering that it definitely needs carpet and new vinyl, and as a pure Sport with no "Air" upgrades (Tower, ballast, etc.) and unknown hours, I think the price is a few grand high. There is also the, "if the boat was this poorly taken care of, what suprises am I in store for" factor. If someone could get this for $10k, it might be worth the effort.
That said, thanks for posting it. Always happy to learn about used Nautiques for sale.
2000 SAN
1999 Air Nautique
1996 Tige Pre-2000
1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard
I'm don't disagree with all comments about the condition of the boat. I was just saying for 12K and a lot of negotiating you could have a Nautique. Also note the trailer is not the correct one for the boat. Looks like a Ski 196 trailer or the bow stop needs moved.