I have an offer for $30k including just the boat and trailer and no gear. Should I take it?
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Fresh water cooling package only solves a portion of the problem, which is a major misconception that most people have. Protecting the engine is important, but the rest of the boat isn't made for salt water. The boat having carpet is a big issue. People getting in and out of the saltwater and bringing that in to the boat will ruin it. The electronics aren't made for salt water. Components all throughout the boat will just start rusting and deteriorating so fast. So, to answer your question, no I would not do that. If you have any information contrary to my position, feel free to share.
Btw...still have boat. Currently have listed for $30k obo. Boat has 565 hours on it with 5 hours on rebuilt motor.
inboard owners are too crazy about salt water i think. while i agree it's not ideal; if you live in an area without fresh water you should get it done if that's what you enjoy. you can add closed cooling and flush kit for about 1800.00, get a galvanized trailer, and rinse them both after use. you can get marine amps and speakers, etc. it would make sense to use stainless hardware on every inch of the boats since they are in a marine environment, even if it is fresh water. i'd keep it if you don't need the money. also, can you put a coastal edition steering cable on a regular engine?
Ok. With what you just said, I would be looking at $4-5k in alterations on the conservative side and that's if I do the work myself. It's just not cost effective. The boat is pristine and definitely would not stay that way. The salt environment is a lot different from a fresh environment. Thanks for the input though. To some people it would be worth it, but not me. I don't need to sell it for financial reasons, but I don't want it just sitting in my dad's warehouse for me to use it once in a bluemoon. I'll sell it and use the money elsewhere. I recently purchased a Scout Sportfish 235 and it's serving me well here at the coast. I hated to purchase a center console, but am actually enjoying it. As of late I was skating a lot, and I can do that just fine behind it. I miss that V8 rumble though. =)