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I can get a few sets of spinner racks right now for $500 if anyone wants them. These are the racks that came on the 2008-2009 FCT 1 and 2 (like the ones that are on my old '08 230 pictured). Just PM me.
Attached Files
2012 Axis A22 - on order
2011 Axis A22 - sold
2010 SANTE 230 - sold
2009 SANTE 230 - sold
2008 SANTE 230 - sold
2007 VLX - sold
2002 XStar - sold
1990 Prostar 190 - sold
They fit any 1 7/8 tower; however, they have to mount on a tower that swoops back like the fct1 pictured because of the way that the rack mounts are made. What tower is on the 211?
2012 Axis A22 - on order
2011 Axis A22 - sold
2010 SANTE 230 - sold
2009 SANTE 230 - sold
2008 SANTE 230 - sold
2007 VLX - sold
2002 XStar - sold
1990 Prostar 190 - sold
Just as a heads up....the FCT1 and FCT2 (Titan) have different swoops/angles to them and require different mounting brackets/lengths of the mounts. The ones for the Titan are shorter and the clamps kind of swoop in opposite directions of one another so its fits the curve of the tower. The FCT 1 have the same angle but have longer lengths.
I found this out from trial and error when I was getting my racks for my 210 with the titan tower. The racks made for the FCT1 will not work unless the clamps and arms are changed out.
Just as a heads up....the FCT1 and FCT2 (Titan) have different swoops/angles to them and require different mounting brackets/lengths of the mounts. The ones for the Titan are shorter and the clamps kind of swoop in opposite directions of one another so its fits the curve of the tower. The FCT 1 have the same angle but have longer lengths.
I found this out from trial and error when I was getting my racks for my 210 with the titan tower. The racks made for the FCT1 will not work unless the clamps and arms are changed out.
This is consistent with what I was told by White Lake Marine when I looked into putting spinners in place of my flight clips -- the different angle will prevent the forks from sitting / spinning on a level plane...