Got a canvas cover for a 01 SAN with tower cutouts also covers swim platform in good shape $125
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canvas cover
Dont mean to be a nay sayer, but I don't think it will fit. They changed the boat style in 02 and went to more of a squared off look rather then the sloped look on the 96 to 01 boats, the cover will be short. I know I bought a 01 cover as a second cover for on the boat lift for my 02 . I had skirts sewn on to the sides to keep the sun off the sides and top of the boat. The length was short, so i had the shop sew an extra foot on to the back, and i had to have the opening for the tower resewn to allow the difference in length. The size difference won't allow me to pull the cover tight to keep the rain from puddling, but in my applicaton it works for me under a boat lift canopy. Good luck