OK, I've still got ballast parts off a 99 SAN if someone wants to pay the shipping to get them. All these parts are available for the price of shipping if you really NEED them.
2 Atwood pumps that still work with the mounting brackets
2 level gauges that work (lights too)
Misc plastic "tees" and fittings if you have some that are cracked
I still have the tanks, with no cracks or leaks, but someone in Netherlands wants a shipping quote (though I doubt they are worth the shipping)
Carpet panels that cover factory hard tanks with a cutout for the actuator
99 stock board rack and a couple of mounts. One is bolt on square, the other is a 1.75" clamp.
I also have some old MTX amps for free if anyone wants them. They have some surface rust, but they work. One is a 4 channel, one is a mono.
2 Atwood pumps that still work with the mounting brackets
2 level gauges that work (lights too)
Misc plastic "tees" and fittings if you have some that are cracked
I still have the tanks, with no cracks or leaks, but someone in Netherlands wants a shipping quote (though I doubt they are worth the shipping)
Carpet panels that cover factory hard tanks with a cutout for the actuator
99 stock board rack and a couple of mounts. One is bolt on square, the other is a 1.75" clamp.
I also have some old MTX amps for free if anyone wants them. They have some surface rust, but they work. One is a 4 channel, one is a mono.