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2000 Super Air Nautique with only 90 Hours - $23,900
I think this whole deal seems shady. No offense and I hope I am wrong but there is very little explanation about why nothing works properly and has lots of maintenance records but boat only has 90 hrs. I'd steer clear and hope someone from outside this forum picks this one up.
I think this whole deal seems shady. No offense and I hope I am wrong but there is very little explanation about why nothing works properly and has lots of maintenance records but boat only has 90 hrs. I'd steer clear and hope someone from outside this forum picks this one up.
Unfortunately almost every 2000-2002 Super Air out there has this same issue. They all only report between 50-200 hours, and of course they have more. The digital gauges are the issue, plus the GT40 doesnt have the ability to verify hours by checking the ECU like the newer GM based PCM stuff does.
I do agree though, which is why I am steering clear of all digital gauge Nautiques while looking for a boat.
The gauges work fine, boat has to be running for read out. Exterior and interior condition supports low hours either way. Only a local buyer will be able to see this. Im happy keeping it too, I only paid $18k for it...
2013 G23 550 hp (ordered and awaiting delivery)
2002 Super Sport (coverted into a SAN)
330 hp Excaliber
1994 Sun Tracker Party Barge 115 hp
1989 Horizon 200 Four Winns - sold
1989 Regal Commodore 280 - previous
Possibly looking into picking up a 70'2-80's Nautique to rebuild as a ski boat
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!