Hyperlite Motive 109 with Foundation Bindings. This is a $300 package new, will take $100 plus shipping. Small cosmetic nick on edge doesn't hurt a thing for performance.
Connely "super sport" trainer skiis. These can be found on line for about $130 plus shipping. Will take $50 plus shipping.
Kids Small USCG Life Jackets under 50 lbs. and small HO "shorty" style wet suits. PM for details. Best Offer takes 'em.
Ready for the next family at garage sale prices.
Hyperlite Motive 109 with Foundation Bindings. This is a $300 package new, will take $100 plus shipping. Small cosmetic nick on edge doesn't hurt a thing for performance.
Connely "super sport" trainer skiis. These can be found on line for about $130 plus shipping. Will take $50 plus shipping.
Kids Small USCG Life Jackets under 50 lbs. and small HO "shorty" style wet suits. PM for details. Best Offer takes 'em.
Ready for the next family at garage sale prices.