It's cold and I'm thinking about re-doing my tower set-up, ideally to one that rotates and can play music forward onto the beach when we aren't riding. Just kinda putting my feelers out; trying to determine if anyone is interested in my existing set-up, and what it's worth in an attempt to figure out a budget for my next project. I don't know the name of the set-up defcon something, from my stock team edition SAN. Total of 6 polk momo's (4 in 2 nautique enclosures with graphic, and two mounted separate cause 4 wasn't enough, I guess.) See photo. Nice thing about the setup it is loud, really good quality sound in the boat and out, and it matches perfectly to all the existing cabin speakers- if you care about that. If anyone is interested or has an idea of what these things go for post a reply, send me a PM, email me (best) as I don't check this that often,
Sorry can't take a photo, boat is out in the garage at the lake house, this photo shows you half of it... and the water is okay
Sorry can't take a photo, boat is out in the garage at the lake house, this photo shows you half of it... and the water is okay
