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No interested parties yet. I would even be willing to help with transport! Although Ohio is a bit further than I would like to go, but the mid-west and Texas are good.
Where is the boat as of now? Will you take $12,500 CASH? Will you meet half way? I'm in central Wisconsin!!! But willing to travel westward a bit.. Boat ever in salt? Give more pix to lauby22@yahoo.com Last but not least... is it still for sale????
Thanks Scott
Hey guys! Im the new guy @ planetnatique. Im in Wausau wisconsin and cannot find a boat to buy within 500 miles. Am I the only midwesterner the boards and foots? Please help me find something under $10,000 and prefered in the mid 1980\'s!!!!! Thanx, Scott
Yeah! I would love to have the name of the dealer , maybe they have something i'm interested in if your boat is gone! I appreciate you reply,
Hey guys! Im the new guy @ planetnatique. Im in Wausau wisconsin and cannot find a boat to buy within 500 miles. Am I the only midwesterner the boards and foots? Please help me find something under $10,000 and prefered in the mid 1980\'s!!!!! Thanx, Scott