These came off a 2010 230. Normal usage. The boat has right about 220 hours on it. One pair fixes solid to the top of the tower and the other mount on the sides of the FCT3 and can swivel from front to back. The Polk speakers sound great in and around the boat. Can also hear them fairly well while riding. Cans are clean with normal wear. Speakers look new. These are the factory option from that year. Can fit 2009 and 2010 210, 220, 230 as well as the newer boats that have the "S" shaped FCT3 tower. These will also fit some of the newer supra's if you know anyone looking. Asking $750 O.B.O.
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I might be interested in the set of rotating speakers if you still have them. I have to see if they will fit on the 2012 tower. I think it's the same mounting plate but don't have the boat handy to look. If they work would you take $300.2012 SANTE 210 (it's official)
2008 SANTE 210
Originally posted by highrock View PostThese came off a 2010 230. Normal usage. The boat has right about 220 hours on it. One pair fixes solid to the top of the tower and the other mount on the sides of the FCT3 and can swivel from front to back. The Polk speakers sound great in and around the boat. Can also hear them fairly well while riding. Cans are clean with normal wear. Speakers look new. These are the factory option from that year. Can fit 2009 and 2010 210, 220, 230 as well as the newer boats that have the "S" shaped FCT3 tower. These will also fit some of the newer supra's if you know anyone looking. Asking $750 O.B.O.
Will you be able to organize post to Australia?