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WTB: Perfect Pass Stargazer that will fit 97 with a GT-40
I haven't seen them for sale used. I think the main reason is they are upgradable to the ZO with just a chip. I had to replace mine this year and put in the Stargazer. Its great but can be frustrating around the corners. We've gone to rpm mode so we can do the course with out it going crazy after a turn. After most turns the Stargazer way over accelerates and then dumps speed. We will have them set at 34mph and it will go up to 38 then back down to 28 then finally to 34 again. The rpm mode is stable but does give some speed fluxuation based on weight, water, and the skiers style. There were some bulk buys this spring. I'm not sure how that turned out as I needed it in March.
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I haven't seen them for sale used. I think the main reason is they are upgradable to the ZO with just a chip. I had to replace mine this year and put in the Stargazer. Its great but can be frustrating around the corners. We've gone to rpm mode so we can do the course with out it going crazy after a turn. After most turns the Stargazer way over accelerates and then dumps speed. We will have them set at 34mph and it will go up to 38 then back down to 28 then finally to 34 again. The rpm mode is stable but does give some speed fluxuation based on weight, water, and the skiers style. There were some bulk buys this spring. I'm not sure how that turned out as I needed it in March.
Sent from my RM-877_nam_att_205 using Tapatalk
Zero off is not compatible with perfect pass, two completely different systems. When turning its usually best to throttle back, and once you are back headed in the correct direction accelerate back up to speed. When you turn you are loosing speed, so the speed control is accelerating to get you back up to set speed.
Jody Seal at Florida inboards has good pricing and excellent customer service for Perfect pass, as does Max at skier to skier.
You can also look on Ski it again, and of course here and ebay, if you are dead set on used.
2005 Ski Nautique 206 SE, Acme 422, PP SG 8.0, ND Tower
2011 strada with strada bindings
Prior Boats:
1986 Sunbird skier with 150 Evinrude VRO
1992 Mastercraft prostar 190, with Powerslot
1999 Ski Nautique GT-40
1999 Sport Nautique, GT-40 FCT,
Oh sorry mis typed due to brain fart. I meant the Z Box upgrade for the chip. Which makes Perfect Pass pull like Zero Off.
Sent from my RM-877_nam_att_205 using Tapatalk
Do these ever come up for sale? Looking for complete setup.
PM me if you have something and we can chat directly.
Do you have a 4" or a 5" display? I just pulled a 4" display Stargazer off my Supra Comp. I need to speak with PP to see what I can use on my 226. May be interested in selling.