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I have a Boss 7 light bar, Knight Rider series, for sale. I paid $800 for them about 3 months ago. If anyone is interested I'll take $500 for them. Sorry I can't go any lower on the price. Let me know.
Does it include the clamps? I would have to put them on the top of my tower because I have too many speakers on the bottom part of the tower.
Is it a 2-way switch, or 1-way switch. In other words, does it have a switch where I can select to turn on part of the lights, all of the lights, and all off?
I currently have the Skylon mini-light bar, but even it wouldn't fit between my speakers, and I don't particularly like the way it looks on top of my tower. If I could simply unhook my old lights and plug these lights into the old wiring harness, then I would be very interested.
Yea it would come with the mounts, I just haven't taken them off of my boat yet. I did have them on 2 switches, one for the front and one for the rear. I'm going to sell them since I never use them. I did have them mounted on the top of my tower.
Okay...last question? Can the lights be configured so that all of them are on the same side of the bar, instead of 3 on bottom and 4 on top? In the boss pictures, they are all on the same side, I just wasn't sure if it was the new style or what?