This is a Earthquake PE 4000. It's a 6 Band adjustable EQ with 12 volts of line voltage. Great for boosting a signal from week head unit like a clarion XMD. I bought this unit because it had the most line voltage. After I bought this unit I bought a line driver and then I had to much line voltage and had to turn down the EQ. So now im in the market for a EQ with no line voltage. This EQ works perfict no problem's
I have the orignal recipt and box and all the instruction's. Its coverd under a 5 year warranty so if you ever have any problems its coverd $100
The Unit has a 2 imput's A and B imput great for decks with out a Aux imput for adding MP-3 player's (Ipod). Also a fader great for splitting a signal I.E tower speaker volume and hull volume, And a seprate sub volume
I have the orignal recipt and box and all the instruction's. Its coverd under a 5 year warranty so if you ever have any problems its coverd $100
The Unit has a 2 imput's A and B imput great for decks with out a Aux imput for adding MP-3 player's (Ipod). Also a fader great for splitting a signal I.E tower speaker volume and hull volume, And a seprate sub volume