Earthquake PE 4000

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  • Grant_West
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jul 2003
    • 758

    • Redwoodcity Ca

    Earthquake PE 4000

    This is a Earthquake PE 4000. It's a 6 Band adjustable EQ with 12 volts of line voltage. Great for boosting a signal from week head unit like a clarion XMD. I bought this unit because it had the most line voltage. After I bought this unit I bought a line driver and then I had to much line voltage and had to turn down the EQ. So now im in the market for a EQ with no line voltage. This EQ works perfict no problem's
    I have the orignal recipt and box and all the instruction's. Its coverd under a 5 year warranty so if you ever have any problems its coverd $100
    The Unit has a 2 imput's A and B imput great for decks with out a Aux imput for adding MP-3 player's (Ipod). Also a fader great for splitting a signal I.E tower speaker volume and hull volume, And a seprate sub volume
  • MHayes
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Aug 2004
    • 830

    • Roswell, GA

    RE: Earthquake PE 4000

    Grant, just curious why you decided to go with the line driver instead of sticking with the EQ above? I'm trying to find an EQ that can control the following setup: JL 300/2 driving the tower speakers (I would like to be able to control this volume separately from the hull speakers), JL 300/4 driving the 4 hull speakers, and JL 250/1 driving the sub. I'll be using the XMD1 that's in the boat and would like to have an input for the IPOD. Would this eq satisfy those requirements?
    2001 Air Nautique


    • Grant_West
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • Jul 2003
      • 758

      • Redwoodcity Ca

      I have had both a Line Driver and a High output EQ for some time, You dont need both. One or the other will do just fine. My line driver is part of another Audio control peice and Im not giving that up. If you have a XMD-1 or XMD-3 you will be amazed at how much this peice improves your system. Your XMD is pushing about 1.5 to 2 volt's That means your Amp is having to boost a week signal. The EQ will take your line voltage as high as 12 volt's "Most amps wont take that" This will mean that you can turn down your amp gain's because they will be getting a Louder imput signal so your using less power and running your amp's cooler and in a more efficant range

