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Faria Gateway Box off a 2006 Nautique 220 part# GW0019
If OP does not have it, Check with user ffmedic74, he had one for sale that should work for your boat. There are a couple different styles, with or without pitot connection. Yours is likely the style without.
I have a Faria Gateway from a 2006 Air Natique that has the Perfect Pass chip, part number GW0019B that I need to swap for the Digital Faria Gateway for a newer engine.
Everything works great but the 2011 engine does not talk to the older serial bus which requires pn 70115.
I have a Faria Gateway from a 2006 Air Natique that has the Perfect Pass chip, part number GW0019B that I need to swap for the Digital Faria Gateway for a newer engine.
Everything works great but the 2011 engine does not talk to the older serial bus which requires pn 70115.
Swap would be great but I can also sell.
I know it's a long shot, but do you still have this?