Great board but just don't need so many boards. Perfect size for most weights. $150 firm. PLUS $20 for shipping.
Product Description
HARLEY 135 Liquid Force Wakeboard
- Awesome Board - Awesome Price
Young superstar Harley Clifford is as diverse of a rider as they come. He wins nearly every contest he enters, is blowing minds with his freeriding and kills it on rails. His board needs to be fast, carve hard and give him the boost that he needs to land the next "never done before" trick. The Harley does all of this and more! Step up your game with the Harley!
Aggressive Three-Stage Rocker - Straight up boosts off the wake.
Triple Concave into Quad V Channels - Triple Concave is provided for pillow-soft landings with continued speed and never ending flow. Quad V channels create fast rail to rail edging and grip.
Low volume, variable-edge rails - Faster on edge with more hold. . . smooth and catch-free through the middle.
Carbon-X Configuration (+-45) - Designed within Harley's specifications, this X increases torsional rigidity through the control zone of the board.
Liquid Force Small RX Quad Fin Setup - Short, low-profile blades for low drag and superior control.
Product Description
HARLEY 135 Liquid Force Wakeboard
- Awesome Board - Awesome Price
Young superstar Harley Clifford is as diverse of a rider as they come. He wins nearly every contest he enters, is blowing minds with his freeriding and kills it on rails. His board needs to be fast, carve hard and give him the boost that he needs to land the next "never done before" trick. The Harley does all of this and more! Step up your game with the Harley!
Aggressive Three-Stage Rocker - Straight up boosts off the wake.
Triple Concave into Quad V Channels - Triple Concave is provided for pillow-soft landings with continued speed and never ending flow. Quad V channels create fast rail to rail edging and grip.
Low volume, variable-edge rails - Faster on edge with more hold. . . smooth and catch-free through the middle.
Carbon-X Configuration (+-45) - Designed within Harley's specifications, this X increases torsional rigidity through the control zone of the board.
Liquid Force Small RX Quad Fin Setup - Short, low-profile blades for low drag and superior control.