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Not for nothing, but that sounds like a scam. That boat should be 10-12K is the hours are right. Although I thought the same about a 196 that sold a month ago in LA. It was $3K low and was a real deal. I would definitely only buy in person after a lake test though.
2001 Ski Nautique / 2007 SV211 TE (gone but not forgotten)
Not sure. Rather detailed if a scam...but it is Craigslist and there are scams out there. Also could be a crazy good deal for someone. Listed in Baltimore, but the reg #s look like New Jersey. Hard to see. I didn't look to see if it was listed in other cities, such as NJ areas.
great deal if it's not a scam, but i would lean towards it being a scam. worth looking into if you're local. a mere email asking if you can see it and meet the seller in person would tell you if it's real or not.