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That's great deal. I seem to lean towards the side of legit. If you look at his eBay history and feedback and sold items it shows he's been around for a bit. Asking for a 2k non refundable deposit isn't crazy. I know of several people who have come and left deposits on big ticket items then decided against it. If you holding a boat like that for 2 weeks waiting for a purchaser and then the purchaser gets cold feet , at least your compensated. It also eliminates a bunch of tire kickers.
Alabama registration on eBay boat. Could be legit but certainly some red flags. Most of the feedback for seller is very recent and for tools and VHS tapes....
1999 Pro Air Nautique (current boat 2008-)
1990 Ski Nautique (past boat 2001-2007)
1978 Ski Tique (first boat 1998-2001)