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Found a trailer for my 98 sport nautique 210. Trying to save little where I can without ordering a brand new bow stop from Ramlin. Any help appreciated.
How much do you think it's worth? I have to find something I can ship it in. I assume you'll need it shipped, right? I think we need some idea on shipping costs before we can agree on a price though.
I found another one identical to yours for $140. That was a bow stop with fixture and hardware. He did not sell it because he had intentions on buying a new one and it did not work out. He was in Charlotte so I was going to just pick it up when I bought the trailer. I guess I need to get some type of weight and dimensions to find out a shipping cost. I do have a different bow stop that was generously given to me with the purchase of the trailer. I am going Thursday to pick up the boat with this bow stop. Its more of a bow rest, and if I do not feel it is completely secure when I size it to the boat. We can than move forward with working out the details, and I can get a price on shipping. If you agree with the price? A brand new one from Ram Lin is $470 with shipping. Think it over and stay in touch.
When I get a chance, I'm going to try to find a box that this fits in and weight it. I'll see if I can get a price from the post office for shipping or maybe FedEx. I'll post when I know something.
Let me know what you come up with. I am interested in defiantly purchasing the bow stop. I picked the boat up today and would like to have a bow stop, also. Just want you to know I am interested, now that I have the boat. Feel free to private message as we get closer to more personal info, like my address. I am also interested in the pair of fenders, price. May handle all in one for delivery purposes.
Wanted to check in and see if you got anywhere with the shipping. I think if you sign up with Ebay they will ship for free. I will look in to it for something that large. I just ordered a car part but it was much smaller. Let me know what you think.