I have a complete Perfect Pass Digital Pro system, 2005 version 6.5N for sale.
The system comes out of a 2005 Ski Nautique 196 Limited with a PCM 330 motor. I replaced the PP with Zero Off.
PP was working perfectly when removed.
The system includes...
5" diameter Nautique logo dashboard unit
CPU - Digital Pro Master Module. The MM came with the 6.5 chip. I do not know if the chip was ever upgraded, but I suspect not.
Throttle motor unit with mounting bracket
Through the hull paddle wheel that includes water temperature sensor
2 smart timer magnetic sensors
All the wiring to connect all the parts together.

The system comes out of a 2005 Ski Nautique 196 Limited with a PCM 330 motor. I replaced the PP with Zero Off.
PP was working perfectly when removed.
The system includes...
5" diameter Nautique logo dashboard unit
CPU - Digital Pro Master Module. The MM came with the 6.5 chip. I do not know if the chip was ever upgraded, but I suspect not.
Throttle motor unit with mounting bracket
Through the hull paddle wheel that includes water temperature sensor
2 smart timer magnetic sensors
All the wiring to connect all the parts together.