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Scooter: Yes the boat is listed on Facebook Marketplace and the Nautique groups on Facebook as well as Craigslist. Maybe I need to try boat trader and onlyinboards as well.
JDC: The photo you are referencing is from the dealers shop the day we picked the boat up. The boat is stored in our garage at home.
From my personal experience, I got the best action (in order of results) off Craig's list (which has been replaced by Facebook Marketplace), Only Inboards, enthusiast sites (that would be this one for your boat), Ski It Again and lastly Boat Trader. Boat Trader got me a bunch of traffic asking me if I wanted help selling my boat.
The last boat I sold 5 years ago, the seller came from Facebook Marketplace but I did get traffic from Only Inboards and Craig's List which was still going fairly strong back then. I had 3 buyers lined up to see the boat, the Facebook Marketplace guy showed up first to look at the boat and made me a cash offer on the spot. The boat was sold 2 days after listing but it was in the sweet spot price wise for someone looking to get into a vDrive at the time. Pretty crazy, we went to the bank and he wired the money to my account on the spot. Boat was gone, as in being towed away, within 2 hours of him coming to look at it. It was a really nice, truly turn key, extremely clean boat that was priced right as well. I detailed that boat and trailer for a week before listing it.
Timing and the market you're selling in are going to be the challenges to moving this very nice boat. You have another month or 2 to go before anyone (at least around here) even starts to think about boating. Our buying season really starts to warm up about very late February and March.
Consider Ski It Again as well, it's free, or at least it was 5 years ago. Less known to say the least but it's mostly skiers on that site, never hurts to list it in as many places as possible. Thousand points of light and all that kind of stuff thinking. I've bought and sold several skis and such on this site and was running down a SAN from that site but that one sold before I could get to it.
Yes they definitely got a good deal! It’s going to a good home and gets to live on a beautiful lake full time now. The 14 hours of memories were great on it haha. I think we spent more time going back on forth on choosing colors when we were ordering it then we actually spent using it. Hopefully when the babies are older they will be interested in boating and we can get another Nautique someday.