1987 Correct Craft Ski Nautique 2001 For Sale in Seattle Area - $13,000
Id first like to give everyone a little history behind this boat. I purchased the boat with 840 hours on it from a gentlemen in Salem Oregon in the fall of 2006. The boat had been in an accident that damaged the prop, prop shaft, shaft strut and rudder as well as the surrounding fiberglass. Also some damage to the transmission was sustained. As a result of the cost being more to fix the boat then market value (currently listed in stock condition as $5,600 on NADA.com) the title was salvaged. The previous owner had the fiberglass damage repaired but did not have the new prop, shaft, shaft strut and rudder that he purchased re-installed or the tranny re-built before I was able to purchase the boat from him. I had the fiberglass work inspected, then had the prop, shaft, shaft strut and rudder installed. I also had the transmission rebuilt by Harbor Marine in Everett Wa.
Next I installed a custom fit tower from Tricktowers.com, board racks for holding 4 boards, and an 8 speaker/ 2 amp CD/MP3 stereo system (4 Kicker 6.5 speakers inside boat, 2 Kicker 6.5 tower speakers, 2 Rockford Fosgate 10 subs and 2 amps powering system). I have also added a fully automatic roughly 1400 pound water ballast system to the boat. The system features 2 reversible Jabsco pumps that each fill and empty a separate ballast bag. One bag is a Launch Pad 750 pound sac located where the rear seat used to be. I built an enclosure to house the bag and act as sunbathing platform as well as additional storage. The enclosure itself weighs 100 pounds. The second ballast bag is located width wise in the bow of the boat and weighs 580 pounds. I arranged the ballast bags in this fashion as I did not want to sacrifice room inside the boat. The system fills and drains in under 10 minutes. I ran the boat all summer and had zero problems. This winter I have removed all the outer decals from the boat and am having it painted black within the month. The boat will be ready for sale after the paint work is complete. I just wanted to put it up for sale now to see if there were any potential buyers out there looking. Heres a summary of the boat
1987 Correct Craft Ski Nautique 2001
887 Hours on PCM 351 engine
47 hours on Velvet Drive 1:1 Transmission
Custom fit Razor tower from Tricktowers.com
8 Speaker sound system
4 Kicker 6.5 interior speakers
2 Kicker 6.5 tower speakers
2 Rockford Fosgate 10 sub woofers in box located in bow
1 Rockford Fosgate amp running subs
1 MTX amp running interior and tower speakers
Sony head unit with front MP3 jack
1400 pound fully automatic ballast system
Brand new spare tire
This boat produces a beautiful wake with the added ballast and runs absolutely perfect. And I have honestly never ridden behind a harder pulling boat. I never had the intention of selling it but I found a good deal on a 1997 Super Sport Nautique this fall that I could not pass up. Hopefully there is someone out there that can enjoy the boat as much as I did. Email me at jwilson.223@gmail.com

Id first like to give everyone a little history behind this boat. I purchased the boat with 840 hours on it from a gentlemen in Salem Oregon in the fall of 2006. The boat had been in an accident that damaged the prop, prop shaft, shaft strut and rudder as well as the surrounding fiberglass. Also some damage to the transmission was sustained. As a result of the cost being more to fix the boat then market value (currently listed in stock condition as $5,600 on NADA.com) the title was salvaged. The previous owner had the fiberglass damage repaired but did not have the new prop, shaft, shaft strut and rudder that he purchased re-installed or the tranny re-built before I was able to purchase the boat from him. I had the fiberglass work inspected, then had the prop, shaft, shaft strut and rudder installed. I also had the transmission rebuilt by Harbor Marine in Everett Wa.
Next I installed a custom fit tower from Tricktowers.com, board racks for holding 4 boards, and an 8 speaker/ 2 amp CD/MP3 stereo system (4 Kicker 6.5 speakers inside boat, 2 Kicker 6.5 tower speakers, 2 Rockford Fosgate 10 subs and 2 amps powering system). I have also added a fully automatic roughly 1400 pound water ballast system to the boat. The system features 2 reversible Jabsco pumps that each fill and empty a separate ballast bag. One bag is a Launch Pad 750 pound sac located where the rear seat used to be. I built an enclosure to house the bag and act as sunbathing platform as well as additional storage. The enclosure itself weighs 100 pounds. The second ballast bag is located width wise in the bow of the boat and weighs 580 pounds. I arranged the ballast bags in this fashion as I did not want to sacrifice room inside the boat. The system fills and drains in under 10 minutes. I ran the boat all summer and had zero problems. This winter I have removed all the outer decals from the boat and am having it painted black within the month. The boat will be ready for sale after the paint work is complete. I just wanted to put it up for sale now to see if there were any potential buyers out there looking. Heres a summary of the boat
1987 Correct Craft Ski Nautique 2001
887 Hours on PCM 351 engine
47 hours on Velvet Drive 1:1 Transmission
Custom fit Razor tower from Tricktowers.com
8 Speaker sound system
4 Kicker 6.5 interior speakers
2 Kicker 6.5 tower speakers
2 Rockford Fosgate 10 sub woofers in box located in bow
1 Rockford Fosgate amp running subs
1 MTX amp running interior and tower speakers
Sony head unit with front MP3 jack
1400 pound fully automatic ballast system
Brand new spare tire
This boat produces a beautiful wake with the added ballast and runs absolutely perfect. And I have honestly never ridden behind a harder pulling boat. I never had the intention of selling it but I found a good deal on a 1997 Super Sport Nautique this fall that I could not pass up. Hopefully there is someone out there that can enjoy the boat as much as I did. Email me at jwilson.223@gmail.com