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1988 ski nautique 2001 possibly for sale (perfect condition)
This is slightly off-topic I suppose, but are the decals that were on the '88 (the kind that somewhat fade from bottom to top) still available somewhere? I've heard that they are not. It looks like the decals on this boat are slanted the wrong way, and if I were to buy the boat, it would annoy me until the correct ones were on there.
Im not sure if the '88 graphics are still available. It might be worth a call to MWCC, White Lake, or SECC. I didnt have trouble getting the '89-90 graphics a few years ago.
Youre right about the decals being slanted in the wrong direction. Im guessing they were installed on the wrong sides. I guess we'll see when he posts more pics.
hey man thanx for posting the picture for me, i appreciate it, im going to have lots more in a few weeks of everything inside and out... My dads up for selling it because he realizes that it could be in the hands of someone else, its not a wakeboard boat and thats what its used for. hes going to use the money he gets for this boat to get an actual wakeboard boat; and believe me i am very grateful for having it and i loved it all the years ive had it but its too small now and not having an open bow is really a drag. but as far as the decals, when i got the boat i took the decals off and last year the dealership ordered those new ones and put them on, they look exaclty the same as the old ones did.
I think what people are saying is "you have a GREAT wakeboard boat in that hull" If your dad loves it, I don't think you should pressure him to sell it to buy a "real wakeboard boat". And open bow boats are not all that great. Keep the 2001 and keep rippin' it up. There is no way that it's holding you back, and it is a GREAT boat, your dad loves it and I'm sure it's paid for. And as far as it not being a wakeboard boat and not using it for what it was designed for, it's actually NOT a very good slalom boat. The wake is GINOURMOUS! for a boat of that vintage. Of that vintage he'd be better of with a MC if he slaloms.