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Good eye! Yes, that was my ’03 next to the ’08. It has a very happy life on a really nice private lake. My dealer picks it up every fall, winterizes, and performs any maintenance needed. That was my first 6-liter. All five of my Nautiques since then have also had 6-liters, can you tell I like that engine? (There is an extra bonus of 15 more hp this year). I still get to ski behind the ’03 occasionally. That is why it is great to sell my promo boats to friends. I always get to ski behind great boats!
Well Dave, you have such fine looking boats year after year. Can you tell I like the red/black/white colors? That is cool to see and ski your old boat(s), and know they are well kept. If I were in the market for a new(er) boat I'd definitely be knocking on your door.