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I am looking for an older nautique open bow at around 10,000. Let me know what you have and I will provide a quick response. I will pay in cash. I am willing to pickup or meet at a reasonable distance.
CUWakeboard - Not trying to shot down this idea and there is always the exceptional deal out there. You might want to be more specific on the boat other then open bow. Are you looking for an excellent condition or one you need to do work on? How much work are you willing to do?
I say this because it is HARD to find a great shape N for 10k, but you are really looking at an 1989 sport N thru today.
There is a guy who found a 5K 2000ish Sport N in FL a couple weeks ago that didn't run. He got it running this past week and at the end of the day if he had to put 10K into the boat now having a boat he paid 15K for; still a great deal.
I Say this all in the spirit of pointing you in the right direction. I can't believe I would even type this, but have you checked Malibu, Supreme, MC, they often have boats available in the 10-14K range. If you can squeeze 14K your selection and having a greater possibility will increase.
Thanks for the replies. I am looking for anything. An older Martinique would work as well as a sport nautique. I am also willing to look at MC's, malibus, and supras. I am willing to fix the boat up as well for the right price.
I have a 90 Sport Nautique that fits your needs. It would need a couple skins if you are looking for perfect interior but it has been very well maintained, and it runs great.