It's been a long time since I've logged in here but I've got the itch and am looking for a fresh water SAN that is turn-key with low hours in Southern California. I live in Orange County and will travel to San Diego, Inland Empire or Los Angeles to view the boat. Needs to have all the standard wake essentials such as front and rear ballast, perfect pass, racks, bimini, etc. Feel free to PM and I will give you my phone number and email address. Cash buyer. Thanks in advance.
I have a '07 210 in Inland Empire. All of the typical stuff, 110 hrs, only been to Elsinore, Puddingstone, and Havasu. Dbot speaker and Alpine amps and head units, Black w/gray stripe exelent condition. I have been thinking about trying to upgrade to a 230, but haven't full committed to the idea thats why i don't actually have the boat listed anywhere. Let me know if you interested then we can get pictures and talk price.
that '03 SANTE is the same hull, Tranner. It also has the better looking Flight Control Tower. I would definitely consider looking at that boat, especially because it is local to you.