Looking to buy a boat before next spring for the slalom course. Also interested in '02 and up but prefer to start my search from '97 - '01 for the bubble backs. Thanks!
If I were in a position to buy now I would probably spend close to $15k on this if you could confirm its a fresh water only boat. Trailer is a bit funky with two pairs of guides, but appears workable. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eB...m=261142291786
http://www.southfloridamastercraft.c...R0&veh=2907246Previous Boats:
99 MasterCraft SportStar(95-97 ProStar Hull)
98 Moomba Boomerang
88 MasterCraft Powerslot
boat is mint. Call Matt and see what he can do on a price for you. Tell him Jay sent you