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06 210, 07 210, and 08 210 are three totally different boats. But you can definitely find any of the three for under 45k. Each of the three have a different floor/seating layout and the 06 has a different hull than the 07-08. The seating arrangement for the 07s was a one year thing (possibly a sign?). The 08s are basically what the new '13s are minus the LINC system.
'06="legacy" SAN hull, ie 95-06 91" beam, wakes are steep, doesn't take alot of weight to make a nice wake, BTW '06 is the first year for LH prop on a 210
Can find really good boats <$40k
'07=new 210 hull, deck has a pronounced "hump" for the engine ala 220, has reversible stadium seat and the wake is MUCH more forgiving than the "legacy" 210. You will most likely want to add extra ballast for the wakeboard wake, decent ski wake. These will still have Perfect Pass.
Budget $39-$45k
'08=new deck (210's still use this deck), hull the same, new tower, and optional towers (Stainless Titan)
Budget $45-$54
Of course you can find boats for less, but especially on an '08 under $50k in good shape, they will sell fast...
2008 230 TE-ZR6
1999 Pro Air Python-sold and moved away :-(
That is a bargain, right there. Isn't that the full throttle package? Looks like good condition. But honestly you have had it for a while. Do people just not like green?
That is a bargain, right there. Isn't that the full throttle package? Looks like good condition. But honestly you have had it for a while. Do people just not like green?
We actually sold it last spring, customer is getting a 2012 now. He only put 10 hours on this summer. He has a G23 they use most of the time.