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Looking to buy, cash deal, let me know what you have. Pictures are best, please include, number of owners, hours, maintenance, color, options, trailer, accessories, etc.
Jburt, I have family in that area (Decatur) that can come see if we get to that point. Yes, if you can send me some pictures that would be great. Hours? price? Options ? Color ? etc...
I have a one owner 2005 SV211 TE with all the options except shower.
PCM Excalibur 330 engine with 280 hours, oil changed every 25-30 hours.
Clarion Defcon III stereo with 6 interior speakers and 4 tower speakers
Custom Black over the tower Bimini and Custom Grey boat cover
Boat is located north of Charlotte on Lake Norman
Asking 39,995 includes trailer