Looking for Nautique 230 or 226 2009-2013. Budget of $65K or less.
I'm curious about this, not many 230's on the market at all!
This PN member just listed this one...
2008 230 TE-ZR6
1999 Pro Air Python-sold and moved away :-(
Thanks for the link Mijack. I did see that one as well. Trying to be in the newer tower design and linc system. I think there are a fair number of 230's out there. They have taken the value hit since the G series are starting to come into the used market. The 230 was out of reach for many and now they are at a point where its a reasonable purchase for a larger market.
I think you're wrong about the 230's taking a hit because of the G series, maybe when the G23 first debuted, but now I think some people prefer the driving and styling of the 230 vs the G series boats. Not to mention the towing and storage considerations for a G series boat.
You should amend your post to '10-'13 MY boats if you want to include the LINC1 system. Why would you want the LINC1 system? Just curious? To get the NSS to work with the LINC, a '12 MY boat and up is what's needed. Maybe a computer hacker could figure out how to get a LINC1 to control the NSS, but a dealer can't!2008 230 TE-ZR6
1999 Pro Air Python-sold and moved away :-(
Linc started with 2009 MY boats as an option. The G weighs about 1300lbs more than a 230 so the towing difference is negligible. Linc 2 is better for sure starting in 2012, but Linc 1 still has many useful features. I'm looking for an 09-13 230 if you hear of any others.
- Jan 2009
- 696
- SoCal
- 2012 SANTE 230 Previous: 2005 SANTE 210 1997 OG Air Nautique
Curious based on your signature, which says you have a 2013 g23 and a 12 230... why you're looking for a 230 (I'm assuming this post was written before you had one and have since updated your signature). And 2 owning both a later g23 and a 12 230, how do the two compare... I have a 12 230, and am looking at newer 230's rather than a g23 mostly because I don't want to have to clean all that gelcoat by myself, but would love to hear your insight if you've had both. TIA
Hello! Still looking? We are selling our 2012 230 with NSS and integrated surf tabs...we are wanting to move to the GS. We posted it on the boats for sale section. We are the ones down in Texas. Not sure if this link will take you there... https://www.planetnautique.com/vb5/f...nc-and-nss-66k