2002 - 2005 Super Air Nautique (Lake Tahoe, CA)

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  • KDenning
    • Aug 2023
    • 36

    • South Lake Tahoe California

    2002 - 2005 Super Air Nautique (Lake Tahoe, CA)

    Hey all!

    I grew up on Old Hickory Lake outside of Nasvhille, TN and my favorite boat and last boat that I ever wake boarded behind was a 2003 Super Air Nautique that my parents ordered from the factory. I was 13 at time and now I'm almost 33 and in the position to bring a similar vintage boat into our life here in South Lake Tahoe, CA.

    My parents pushed me to compete in wakeboarding across the south east, Texas, and California but my wife and I have been surfing (in the ocean) since we were old enough to drive so having a boat that we can surf behind on Lake Tahoe is the new dream. I've seen the wave that the 210 hull of this era is capable of producing and that's more than enough for us to have fun. We work for our local school district's special education department so unfortunately a $100,000 + boat doesn't fit into our budget/lifestyle very comfortably.

    Maybe this forum can shed some light on how realistic it is to find the boat that we're looking for at the price that we're looking to spend/invest.

    Simple Criteria:
    • Well cared for (but who doesn't want a well-cared for boat?) - one or two owner
    • Less than 600 hours
    • Fresh water use only (again - I believe this goes without saying)
    • No red/yellow/purple/bright blue (this is my wife's criteria but she's paying for 1/2 of the boat so that's fine)
    • We prefer something in the Western United States
    • Prefer the grey/dark blue/black combinations
    • $30,000 budget
    • PCM 330 Excalibur Engine (no GT40s and no Pythons)
    Being close to Sacramento/Bay Area I've seen dozens of SANs come up for sale with 3+ owners that are absolutely thrashed but have a "$10,000 stereo" and that's not the boat nor the ownership history that we're looking for.

    Last winter was one of the biggest winters in recorded history so we're in no rush to buy and happy to wait through another summer (2024) without a boat if it means finding the right boat.

    This forum has been an invaluable resource for seeing what these boats were selling for before, during, and after COVID.

    The right boat for us is for sale currently on Craigslist in Fortuna, CA but the owner is asking $39,000. The boat is the color that we want (love), two owner, very well cared for, and around 370 hours. He has our offer of $30,000 to consider.

    Am I being naive to think that these boats will see pre-covid prices?

    In my free time I build custom camper vans for friends and "clients" and I've seen that market completely boom during covid and absolutely disintegrate following covid.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback and any connections to the right seller! Hopefully there's someone out there that's loved their SAN enough to want an upgrade at the same time that we're looking to get into the best boat for us at the moment!

    Take care,
    Kirk (530) 523 3415
    Last edited by KDenning; 11-26-2023, 01:12 PM.
  • KDenning
    • Aug 2023
    • 36

    • South Lake Tahoe California

    Here's the $39,000 Super Air for sale in Fortuna, CA that we've offered $30,000 for. Two owner, 370 hours, and well cared for.

    I'll be very honest and share that we're financing the purchase and because of the age of the boat we need a down payment. We have $10,000 in cash and that equates to roughly $30,000 of purchase power after sales tax.

    Financing the remaining $20,000 makes sense for us financially so please keep that in mind if you have a boat for sale that fits with what we're looking for!

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    • Rogue14
      • May 2010
      • 48

      • Southern Oregon

      • 2007 SV-211

      PM sent


      • KDenning
        • Aug 2023
        • 36

        • South Lake Tahoe California

        Rogue14 was close to having exactly what we need but we're still looking for a 210

        We're just up the road from Mammoth Mountain and they're predicting they'll open November 10th (20 days from now) so we're in no rush by any means but I know the right boat takes time.

        See y'all out there!


        • KDenning
          • Aug 2023
          • 36

          • South Lake Tahoe California

          Two boats have come up since my original post. Both are within reasonable distance from Lake Tahoe
          • 2005 and 2 owner, 370 hours and very well cared offered to me for $34,500 (pictured above in this thread)
          • 2004 and 2 owner, 274 hours and moderately cared for with a trailer in need of repair offered to me for $32,500
          The 2005 is a nice looking boat but we're still $4,500 off.

          The 2004 is a nice looking boat with an interior that could use some serious elbow-grease and a trailer that could use some serious attention or replacement. Unfortunately I'm not as big a fan of the curved 2004 tower as other members so even though the ownership and hours check our boxes and it's only $2,500 above what we're willing to pay, it just doesn't warrant the purchase. The fact that it's about to start snowing here really helps curb my enthusiasm for over-paying for a boat, lol.

          If anyone has feedback please don't hesitate to reach out here or via PM. I've browsed all the accessible info that I can find with the search function here.

          The NADA value of these boats hovers in the $23,000 - $29,000 range. Obviously that doesn't account for appreciation/limited supply of well-maintained examples but if I were to turn around and sell one of these I know I'd be getting offers in that range.

          Thanks for thinking of us if anyone has a boat that would be a good fit!

          See y'all out there,


          • Bimmerboyz
            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
            • Feb 2009
            • 378

            • Herriman UT

            • 1978 Ski Nautique that I miss:-( 2003 SANTE

            Great choice in a boat. I've owned a 2003 SANTE and currently own a 2002 SANTE with the Python. I do believe these boats will stay between 25-35k$ for the well taken care of Examples. I've watched the market Since I purchased my 2003 in 2010.

            I know mine doesn't fit all of your criteria. But let me know if you're interested. 30k$ 2002 SANTE 430hp 8.1 Python 711 hours, third owner, interior was replaced in 2019, located in Utah. (9 hours from Tahoe) I've considered covering the red with a vinyl wrap of a bright silver.
            Attached Files


            • Bimmerboyz
              Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
              • Feb 2009
              • 378

              • Herriman UT

              • 1978 Ski Nautique that I miss:-( 2003 SANTE

              Also 2002 in my opinion is the best year. My boat has the flip up rear seats which are ideal. I do agree with not wanting a 2004, the tower is Ugly.
              Attached Files


              • KDenning
                • Aug 2023
                • 36

                • South Lake Tahoe California

                Bimmerboyz thank you for reaching out with the offer! We're going to keep looking for that sub-400 hour range. I don't think I'd ever actually seen a picture of the seats flipped up like that. If your hours were in the ballpark I could get past the color. I'll save your forum name just in case!

                I really do appreciate your insight into the pricing on these as it sounds like you've been watching it closely. I don't blame you - we do the same with a few of our other investment.

                I thought that we'd found the right boat at the right price but the owner was reluctant to take the boat to a mechanic and get the boat onto the water for a test drive in his area. That was enough for me to step away from that boat.

                The search continues.


                • Bimmerboyz
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • Feb 2009
                  • 378

                  • Herriman UT

                  • 1978 Ski Nautique that I miss:-( 2003 SANTE

                  Flip up rear seats was only offered in 2002. It was a 1 year option. The sub 400 hour mark will be hard. Make sure you get the hours verified as my gauges have been replaced. So the hour gauge on the dash reads 100 hours. However the true hours are 711, you can pull hours from the perfect pass if it's original to the boat.

                  Seeing as you are being particular (which I fully support) try finding one with the ZR6. A Python with sub 400 hours won't likely be around 30k$.


                  • Bimmerboyz
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 378

                    • Herriman UT

                    • 1978 Ski Nautique that I miss:-( 2003 SANTE

                    I searched for a Python 210 for a long time. The search is part of the fun.


                    • KDenning
                      • Aug 2023
                      • 36

                      • South Lake Tahoe California

                      We got close again. The grey and blue 2005 (pictured earlier in the thread) agreed to my $30,000 offer but wouldn't facilitate getting the boat to a mechanic for a pre-purchase inspection or get the boat to a nearby (1 hour) lake for an on-water test. I'm sure some people have the kind of money to shell out $30,000 without either of those but I sure don't, lol. If they find a buyer willing to buy it without driving it or having it inspected by a mechanic more power to them.

                      On to the next! We found a 2001 SAN that was reportedly one-owner for 249 hours and then purchased by the current owner in April where he put the boat through a moderate restoration and put an additional 60 hours on the boat. He's asking $31,000 in an attempt to recoup his total investment into the boat. He reported that he purchased the boat for $23,000 and has since put $8,000 into the boat (detail, powder, stereo, graphics, etc.)

                      We'll see!

                      Attached Files


                      • KDenning
                        • Aug 2023
                        • 36

                        • South Lake Tahoe California


                        This is the type of owner history/background/condition that we're looking for (although the hours are higher than we'd like). The last asking price was $30,500. I wonder what it went for. I can't seem to mention the previous owner but it's @DWSD.


                        • jpwhit
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Aug 2016
                          • 533

                          • Cary, NC

                          • 1998 Ski Nautique 2012 Nautique 200 2014 MasterCraft X25 . 2019 MasterCraft ProStar

                          Since you build custom camper vans for friends and family, does that mean you'll be comfortable working on a boat? Are you comfortable working on engines and electrical systems?


                          • KDenning
                            • Aug 2023
                            • 36

                            • South Lake Tahoe California

                            jpwhit there’s not much to building camper vans besides wood working, basic plumbing, and a working knowledge of 12v electrical systems. They’re incredibly complicated to build well but that doesn’t mean I fancy myself a mechanic lol. I don’t think that my experience with that would predispose me to working on an inboard motor compared to someone with a mechanical background. I’ve never had a project on a van of mine or a customers van that I’ve outsourced but I’m no mechanical expert - all the vans that I’ve built are either brand new or under factory warranty. Why do you ask?

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                            • Scooter G
                              1,000 Post Club Member
                              • Jan 2022
                              • 1320

                              • On a Lake in Idaho

                              • 2022 G23 ZZ8

                              Originally posted by KDenning View Post
                              I thought that we'd found the right boat at the right price but the owner was reluctant to take the boat to a mechanic and get the boat onto the water for a test drive in his area. That was enough for me to step away from that boat.
                              Good call, always hit the water for the test drive. Ask me how I know this. A mechanical inspect is not a bad idea either.
                              Unless of coarse it's a Nautique Jeff boat going in for a for total makeover.

                              Nice Van bling dude! That's a big market place right now.

