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We actually closed for the week this afternoon. Gimme a ring on Monday and we'll settle up. Make sure you both agree on which style you like so I will know what to make you.
We just got our numbers and our looking forward to putting them on, it was -30 when they came so we have to wait for it to warm up some They look awesome, though... Thanks so much!
Wow! I got my numbers the other day and all I can say is WOW! I am very impressed with these things. Domed numbers have my recommendation. Great work guys!
looks like their site is down at the moment ... if pricing still available i would be interested also, will be needing some new ones this spring ... does anyone have pics of them on their boat yet?
Ordered mine yesterday and they honored the special. One caveat could be that I responded to the post requesting some additional information before the deal ended. Andrew is gone, however Andy is there whom is one of the original owners of the company. Good dude to deal with. He knows his stuff and was very helpful. The internet site is down so I called them directly.
1986 SN 2001 (Previous Boat)
Smith Lake, AL & Lake Mitchell, AL
I need registration numbers for my '05 SANTE. I like the Air Nautique italic font you posted. My boat is black with a blue swoosh and silver pinstripes. The current registration is blue with a silver outline. Would you recommend the same colors or something else?