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We're almost there. I believe there 14 committals and we've got 8 or 9 (Danny still needs to get back with the current total) out of 10. Anyone who committed or who wants in please contact me for ordering information. We've got to get all 10 on order before these will ship.
'04 AN 206 TE
'99 Malibu Response LX (Sold)
'92 Ski Sanger (Sold)
We're almost there. I believe there 14 committals and we've got 8 or 9 (Danny still needs to get back with the current total) out of 10. Anyone who committed or who wants in please contact me for ordering information. We've got to get all 10 on order before these will ship.
Thanks... I sent all my info to Danny and did not get a response.... Now I know why.
Checked my e-mail... Danny says every kit from the group buy will be shipped within the next two weeks. I know one or two from the GB have already received so let's hope the two weeks is a little sandbagging! Thanks to all who joined! Enjoy the heat; it looks like we are all going to need it this year!
'04 AN 206 TE
'99 Malibu Response LX (Sold)
'92 Ski Sanger (Sold)