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You're going to have to count me out dude. I passed on the boat that I was going to buy that did not have perfectpass with it. If I find another boat that doesn't then I'll be in though.
2004 Super Air 210 (Current boat)
1999 Super Air 210 (Previous boat)
2003 Mastercraft X-2 205V (Previous boat)
I hope to hear from him as well. You're right, he should now be in Australia for a boating event. I was hoping to have the first 10 orders placed before he left, but we were only at 8. Thanks to all that got there orders in so quickly. Over the weekend I received a few more confirmed participants. He assured me the orders could be placed and shipped while he was gone. I hope it is going well for him down under and I'll update when I know more.
I just heard back from Jody (Florida Inboards) by email. He is in Australia for a boating event. He must not sleep, because it's around 3AM there, tomorrow. He has received more than 10 orders, so we have qualified for the extra $20 discount. Yeah and THANKS!
He said some of the orders must not have read the part about NO CREDIT CARDS. He has a small business and doesn't accept them as payment. I run a small business myself and can understand. The only method of payment is Paypal (4% fee), Personal or Cashiers check. So if you tried to pay by credit card you need to choose one of the other payment choices and update your order. I don't have access to or deal with that part of the process to know which orders tried to pay with credit cards.
It appears he won't be able to process the orders until next week. In his words, "I think that once I get into a hotel room next week, I can start processing and place the PayPal orders". A little patience here will go along way to appreciate the discount we are being offered. I'm excited to get my PP as well. Thanks again for participating!