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Have an 04 210 used for wakeboarding 100% of the time and still has the ACME 644 on it. I run about 2500 lbs of ballast and wondering what prop everyone is running?
I am running the 1465 in my 06 210. I run stock ballast (850lbs) plus an additional 400lbs in Pop bags spread through out and usually 3-5 people in the boat.
You should check out the ACME 856 or the new 1464. I have the 856 and like it alolt with 2klbs or more but have heard the 1464 is great also. Give ACME a call and they will direct you to the right prop.
2016 SAN 210
2006 SANTE sold
2001 SAN - sold
1991 Sport Nautique - sold
You cant go wrong with that 1464. I switched from the 644 to the 1464 on my 2005 SAN last year. I noticed a big difference in throttle response and only lost 2-3 mph on the top end which made the boat more fun to drive too. Well worth it.