i have a 2001 SAN v drive 210. im considering upgrading to a '07 210 or an '06 220. what can i expect wake wise in difference b/t the 3 boats?? for the record i love the steepness/narrowness of my 210. i just want a newer boat..........
RE: going from an old 210 to a new 210 or 220.....thoughts?
wow that is a really tough question in my mind. I was a huge fan of the '06 220 wake and while i really like the '07 210 but the wake is not as steep in my opinion. If you are lookin for a bit more room go 220 but i got a line on a sweet 210.1990 Sport Nautique
RE: going from an old 210 to a new 210 or 220.....thoughts?
I have not been wake boarding long enough to know too much about the shape of wakes. I learned to wake board behind the old 210 and just bought a new 210. For me the new 210 is a little more subtle and smooth when you hit it. I tend to go further. The old 210 still seems like a very aggressive wake that is steep and seems to pop me higher. Sorry I can't be of more help but my skills are limited.
RE: going from an old 210 to a new 210 or 220.....thoughts?
It really depends on what you are looking for...the 210 is more of a riders boat... It doesnt take alot of weight to get a great wake out of it but it doesnt have alot of storage and room..the 220 is more of a family boat with the room and storage but it can definitly throw a huge wake. It just takes alitte extra weight and speed. I owned a 210 for 5 yrs and thought i would never sell it.. Then i had twins. I ran out of room real quick.. Didn't really like the interior layout of the 220 until i saw it in person and watch 2 car seats and about 10 other people get in it and still had room.. It is a great boat for the people watching.. The wake on the 220 favors the 210 alot. It has a kick but not the buck of the 210s.
It is all a matter of personal preference. Nothing will help you figure your question out more than a demo, with that being said here is my opinion. I have been riding the old 210 hull for 8 years and recently switched to the new 210 hull. Before the switch I was sold on the 220 being the greatest wakeboard boat in the world, I thought the interoir was amazingly well thought out and that the wake would be off the hook, but after a demo I wasn't so sure. The thing that bugged me about the 220 was the fact that the boat was very sensitive to it's side to side wieght load, and as a result the wake had a tendancy to wash out more than in my opinion a nautique should (this was already bothering me with the old 210). Another thing that I noticed was that you have to go faster to keep the wake clean. As far as shape goes however, it is the closest to the old 210, it is steeper and narrower than the new 210 wake, but not as quite as narrow and steep as the old 210. Obvoisly I chose the new 210 instead and this is why, first off the boat is a rock in the water, it is not nearly as sensitive to it's side to side wieght as the old 210, and the wake stays clean even when you cut out to do a wake jump, the wake is always clean. The shape is awesome, the wake is huge, it is still steep, but is has a super smooth transition, it has taken some adjust, becuase you need to use better progressive edging technique to get the same pop as the old boat. The pop you get off the wake is also so predictable, even after 8+ years of riding behind the same boat I would get chucked way off balance sometimes, with the new 210 the pop is always the same, firm and controlled. The boat performs amazingly well, and you'd be surprised how big the wake is with stock ballast. If you have any other questions, let me know.--Kam
Iffish133 is pretty spot on
We had 5 of the old shape 210s and pretty much loved those boats. We changed to a 220 which was rather big and steep when loaded but the sensitivity to side to side loading and the extra speed requird was annoying. Yes the interior layour is fantastic with plenty of room.
New 210 is awesome. Maybe not as steep as the old 210 but it still has a good kick and we all love it. Super stable wake that you can just load and load depending on how big you want. Many of the 220 interior features flowed over so there is still lots of room and storage. All round fantastic boat in my opinion.2012 210TE + ZR6 + NSS + Clarion Sponsorship = Good times
Previous boats ->2001 SAN. 2003, 04, 05, 06 210TE, 07 220TE, 08, 09, 10, 11 210TE
I own an 03' SANTE 210 and a buddy of mine has an 07'. I ride behind each boat frequently and have never had any trouble adjusting to the wakes. Maybe its because the new 210 wake is extremely predictable. The wake width is not that much wider to effect your riding style but the transition is much easier on the landings. I would recommend the new 210 for sure, you will not be disappointed.
Here is a link to a sweet 210 that is for sale. http://www.onlyinboards.com/Details.aspx?ID=23666
i own a 220. i will echo previous comments: the 220 wake is only second to the old 210 wake in steepness and shape. it throws a great wake w/ no extra weight and will get down right ridiculous w/ another 2k lbs. the surf wake is monsterous on either side w/ a 750 lb sack in the locker, and the pocket is much bigger and longer for a boat with only a 96" beam.
side to side sensitivity is an issue if you let it be. an easy way to mitigate those sensitivities is keep a POP bag or a 50 lb lead weight by the driver's seat (my technique). minor adjustments will make it settle down. as w/ any boat, the more you load it, the faster you have to go.
the new 210's wake is more consistent, but it is nothing like the old 210. think old school malibu VLX as far as wake shape is concerned.
i have spent a day in all of the new CC Wake boats. they all have their pros and cons. here are my thoughts--
Pros-sliding/flipping rear seat is awesome
-new dash
Cons-cramped rear facing seats
-observers seat is cramped when port lean back is up
-warming tray is not standard equipment
-trash can is in the walkway
-no gunnel storage/cup holders
Pros-trash can is in center of the boat
-plenty of room stretch out on the leanbacks
-hidden cooler under port side leanback
-port side lean back can be used to sit facing forward
-can sit on top of both leanbacks
-can stand on top of both leanbacks to change the rope
-warming tray standard
Cons-port side lean back does take up some sitting room
-narrrowest interior of the three boats
-old style dash
-smallest sundeck
Pros-middle walk through gives the interior a balanced feel
-new dash
-leanbacks are reversible and do not take up a lot of room
-most leg room
-entire engine hatch opens for easy access
-gunnel cupholders/storage
Cons-trash can in the walkway
-cooler is under starboard seat
-no warming tray option
-no cupholders in the bow
the two features most raved about by people on my boat are the easy access garbage can and the warming tray for your lifevests and ropes. for me, i cannot see a compelling reason (other than cost) to choose a new 210 over a 220. i think the perfect boat would be if a 220 and a 230 made monkey love and gave birth to a cross between the two.
In my opinion having to move around a 50lb weight each time a new rider goes out to adjust the wake would get old fast for me. I also think the new 210 wake is still very similar to the old one, it is still the same hull with some extra width, I rode behind an old 210 last week, and surprisingly what I noticed the most was getting stuck in the trough on landings, it makes the landing much harder. The 2 wakes pop almost identically, although the new 210 doesn't jerk you as much because there is no trough. The 220 I rode behind only had stock ballast in it and I think the new 210 throws a bigger wake stock, which is important for me at least. With all that being said tho, they are both awesome boats, each with pro's and con's, that is why CC makes more than one Super Air these days.--Kam
Originally posted by lffish133In my opinion having to move around a 50lb weight each time a new rider goes out to adjust the wake would get old fast for me. I also think the new 210 wake is still very similar to the old one, it is still the same hull with some extra width, I rode behind an old 210 last week, and surprisingly what I noticed the most was getting stuck in the trough on landings, it makes the landing much harder. The 2 wakes pop almost identically, although the new 210 doesn't jerk you as much because there is no trough. The 220 I rode behind only had stock ballast in it and I think the new 210 throws a bigger wake stock, which is important for me at least. With all that being said tho, they are both awesome boats, each with pro's and con's, that is why CC makes more than one Super Air these days.
i wont debate you about the wake because it is just opinion, although my experience is completely opposite.
what is worthy of debate is the claim that the new 210 is the same as the old one with just some extra width. that is a bit of misinformation.