A while back, end of 06, I purchased a NDT for my 97SSN. What a fantastic tower. Fit was incredible, just the over all quality was outstanding.
So a friend of mine got a 95 SSN about a month ago. Ordered a NDT for it, it came about 2 weeks ago and while I was on vacation, until yesterday, he finally got the chance to put it on, finishing it today. It first started w/ a phone call to me last week saying he finally got to unwrap it and there was a huge gouge across the top of the arch. DIDNT happen in shipping because there wasnt a scratch, dent, rip or anything on the packaging. He had it shipped to my office and I unloaded it off the truck and into the back of my pick up. Checking the packaging thoroughly, it looked great. Then came the install. Now I know they can get slightly "tweaked" in shipping as well as after the tubes are bent, once heated during welding there is often the chance that the tubes can "unload" slightly. HOWEVER, this tower was WAY out of wack. Just assembling it first on the ground, by looking at the 3 plus inches from one of the feet to the ground, you could plainly see it was WAY off. When I assembled mine first on the ground to get a feel for it, I had one foot that was maybe a half inch off the floor. The upper tower doesnt set right into the receiving "side rails". And with the side rails tweaked to thier correct location it still is way off. My install took about 2 hours. His over 11. I havent got the chance to see it complete on the boat but he says its no way comparable to mine.
He also said that the guy he spoke w/ on the phone, Chad I think it was, said he just purchased the shop.??? Is NDT no longer Wayne????? If this is the case, my advice, STAY AWAY FROM NDT because thier new fabricators suck and the towers arent worth poo.
As I said, I have one, purchased 2 years ago. OUTSTANDING TOWER!!! Its a shame if Wayne did in fact sell. He had a **** of a company to sell to someone who wants quantity, not quality. End of the day, no way I would ever buy one again. Im just so glad I got mine when I did!
Thanks for listenin to the venting!
So a friend of mine got a 95 SSN about a month ago. Ordered a NDT for it, it came about 2 weeks ago and while I was on vacation, until yesterday, he finally got the chance to put it on, finishing it today. It first started w/ a phone call to me last week saying he finally got to unwrap it and there was a huge gouge across the top of the arch. DIDNT happen in shipping because there wasnt a scratch, dent, rip or anything on the packaging. He had it shipped to my office and I unloaded it off the truck and into the back of my pick up. Checking the packaging thoroughly, it looked great. Then came the install. Now I know they can get slightly "tweaked" in shipping as well as after the tubes are bent, once heated during welding there is often the chance that the tubes can "unload" slightly. HOWEVER, this tower was WAY out of wack. Just assembling it first on the ground, by looking at the 3 plus inches from one of the feet to the ground, you could plainly see it was WAY off. When I assembled mine first on the ground to get a feel for it, I had one foot that was maybe a half inch off the floor. The upper tower doesnt set right into the receiving "side rails". And with the side rails tweaked to thier correct location it still is way off. My install took about 2 hours. His over 11. I havent got the chance to see it complete on the boat but he says its no way comparable to mine.
He also said that the guy he spoke w/ on the phone, Chad I think it was, said he just purchased the shop.??? Is NDT no longer Wayne????? If this is the case, my advice, STAY AWAY FROM NDT because thier new fabricators suck and the towers arent worth poo.
As I said, I have one, purchased 2 years ago. OUTSTANDING TOWER!!! Its a shame if Wayne did in fact sell. He had a **** of a company to sell to someone who wants quantity, not quality. End of the day, no way I would ever buy one again. Im just so glad I got mine when I did!
Thanks for listenin to the venting!