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The older girls have worked their way up to between 15 and 18mph depending on what they want to do on the wakeboard.
My boy is still in the 12-14mph and building his confidence.
I found that it works best to first determine if the kids ride preferentially regular or goofy. Start goofy riders on the starboard side, and regular riders off port.
"bend your knees and keep your weight back"!!!
GOOD !- I was thinking you might say 111 which would make me believe my board is way too big. We are running a 122 Body Glove but the boy is only about 55 lbs and having trouble digging in. He is plenty strong....all bones and muscle. He is also having trouble with all the boat wash....your idea on goofy etc tells me we need to start him outside the wake on his better side.
How much rope are you putting out?
Thanks for your help. The boy wants this under control before the end of the season.
You got it on starting the kid outside the wake, much easier and a great confidence builder. Right foot forward (goofy), starts on the drivers side, left foot forward (regular) on the other side. I start them with the rope at about a 30-40 degree angle off the centerline. This has them with their arms straight, rope in front of their chest leaning back turning away from the boat. At first I kept the rope fairly short to keep them on the side of the boat and in front of the wake, maybe 30 feet of rope or so. It also helps in keeping them close to the boat to hear them, and so they can better hear the music! We have used this technique successfully with about a dozen of my kids' friends this summer.
I look forward to seeing pictures of your boy on the wakeboard before the end of the summer! :grin: :grin:
Where is that cliff? Is that party cove at Canyon? I'd have to compare the backgrounds against my pics to be sure....but it would be easier just to ask.