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Athens/Tyler area. Of course I'm kinda kiddding, but I would like to ride in a 196 or a 206 one of these days just to compare the ride. I'll bet they are extremely nimble compared to the wake boats.
I do not have a DBW boat handy to look at. I did drive one this last June, and the throttle felt "normal" to me.
On my 1997 Ski Nautique, ther is a drag adjustment on the throttle handle, you have to remove the upholestered panel that covers the gunnel where the throttle handle is mounted, to get to it. My throttle was a little loose, and would actually move when I hit hard wakes. I tightened it slightly.
Pull the panel off and see if there is a drag adjustment on it.
I don't think I have a dbw throttle. I thought that was a MC thing. I'm pretty sure I'm still cable driven. But thanks for the advice. Hey Air tool and Ranger, enough about you, more me. Because as TO says 'I love me some me'.
I don't think I have a dbw throttle. I thought that was a MC thing. I'm pretty sure I'm still cable driven. But thanks for the advice. Hey Air tool and Ranger, enough about you, more me. Because as TO says 'I love me some me'.
I believe that all Nautiques from 2006 on have DBW. According to the PCM site, all of their engines for 2008 come with DTC (Digital Throttle Control). I'm not sure how the transmission is shifted, my assumption is that is still controlled via a cable. That may be where the issue is.
It would seem logical that some one in the tectical dept. at correct craft would post and explain how things work and if there are any ajustmentthat can be made; so as to keep the guessing to minimum.
2013 G23 super air
2010 230 super air
2009 220 super air
2008 210 super air
2005 210 super air
2003 calabria pro air
Athens/Tyler area. Of course I'm kinda kiddding, but I would like to ride in a 196 or a 206 one of these days just to compare the ride. I'll bet they are extremely nimble compared to the wake boats.
I'm not sure if there is any glassy water midway between us.
I'm a mile from glassy water.
I need to check my lake rules....but I think if you fax current insurance to my POA and I'm in your boat...your boat's on my lake.
Nimble? Sometimes after a hard 180 I have to look back just to confirm I'm not on rails. 196's are probably even better.