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this thread goes out to those complaining about roughwater
OK as long as long as you stay in the wake, chop is to hard on the knees otherwise. I like glass, we go early in the morning and later in the evening. That 30 footer could put out one heck of a double up for you. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
At least there is plenty of room on that lake. Some of the lakes here in Indiana have those 30+ boats but they are on 1800 acre lakes.
But, you are definetly hard core....keep it up...and be safe.
hehe I hear ya...but this is not a lake...riding a football field away from a 400+ft oil/cargo ship is a fairly common thing
thanks for all the comments...
ps, after the pictures were taken I crashed head first and I rode my wakeskate in the chop for a good 15min (on the way to the restaurant to get a beer or twelve)
Butter to 3 foot waves, windy , still gets a 20 minute run in and time left for beers at the marina, you did alright in my books. By the way how does the 210 handled the rough water? I'm going have a look at one next week.
Wow, that looks miserable. I'm spoiled...if the water isn't close to glass, I won't ride. How did your 210 fair? My 220's larger and it still sucks it up in rough waters. I was out last weekend in the corner of one of the larger lakes on our chain, wind was pretty intense, and getting to that side was fine since the current was carrying me that way, but getting back was ****...every 5 seconds we'd hit a wave, water was splashing all the way up to my tower speakers, getting the back drenched. I ended up coasting through it all and finally made it to the canal promising myself I'd never go to that side of the lake again unless it was glass.