I know there may be a CC bias here, but thought I would ask anyway? If you ranked a CC 197 as a 10 (on -1-10 scale), how would you rank an early 90s model MC Prosport 205, a Bu Response LXi, a late model CC 206, and a MC 197?
RE: Slalom Wakes
I can give you my input on long lines (15 Off) and slower speeds (28-32MPH) for what it's worth on a couple of these boats.
My TSC 1 2000 SN has the best wake at these speeds of any boat I've skied behind. And the hull design is 11 model years old. How about that? Can't say anything for the TSC2 or TSC3 boats as I've never skied them but they are supposed to be even better.
I've gone to ski schools for 4 separate weeks (2003, 2006, 2007, 2008) that had MC 197's so I've had many, many sets behind them. They definitely have a harder and more defined wake than any other modern ski boat I've been behind.
The Bu RLXi has a nice soft wake, personally I feel the RLXi wake is 2nd only to the TSC1+ wake. It's great. I've had lots of experience behind RLXis at these speeds.
RE: Slalom Wakes
I'm alarmed that anyone who's had experience behind an RLX/Response and an RLXi- as in, many pulls behind each, would put the RLXi below the RLX/Response. IMO the RLXi wake is much softer, at least at my slower speeds and longer lengths. I ski them back to back regularly.
ok some of you might laugh at me , but what makes a slalom wake ''good'' or bad ?
you guys ski at 30mph? darn, that's pretty fast eh!
I'm a total newbie when it comes to ski related stuff...
Originally posted by saceoneok so a big wake isn't what you're looking for , right?
I once got up to 33-35 on a wakeboard. I was scared to death...first week owning the boat, my brother in law behind the wheel...you do the math
33-35 mph on a wakeboard?!?! :shock: Ouch!! I'm very happy you didn't face plant at that speed. Holy schmoly. You could've had a smile problem like this guy>>>> Yellow_Flash_Colorz: .
I ski at 34 to 35.5 mph at 15 and 22 off. So thank Heaven for the 196!! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:2007 Ski Nautique 196 Limited/ PP/ Mods
Ludwig Classic Mapple Double Bass/ Zildjian Overhead
what does ''15 off'' mean?
Also, some boats have sweet spots at certain lengths and are nasty at others.
If you think 30-35 is scary, I believe barefooters run in the 40 mph range. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
Re: Slalom Wakes
Originally posted by causewayskiierI know there may be a CC bias here, but thought I would ask anyway? If you ranked a CC 197 as a 10 (on -1-10 scale), how would you rank an early 90s model MC Prosport 205, a Bu Response LXi, a late model CC 206, and a MC 197?
Slalom Wakes
Thanks for the imput, I currently own a '92 MC 205 and am thinking of getting something newer. I really like bowriders such as the CC206, but I would like to get something newer and with a better slalom wake. Not that my wake is bad, I just wouldn't mind getting something better. It sounds like the 206 wakes aren't that great.