Lffish, does Utah not have any good riding lakes? None of my pics even scratch the surface on TN riding spots.
Unfortunately, yes. Honestly Utah has got to be one of the worst places to live if you want to ride or ski, well at least if you are quasi-serious about your riding (I'm not trying to be a pro, just trying to push myself). There are not very many lakes and they are always crowded with people power turning and throwing their rollers everywhere, being completely oblivious of others. My favorite lake, Utah Lake is huge, and when it is glass we are all crossing our fingers that a slight breeze doesn't pick up because the lake is so big, that it doesn't take much to stir it up. But you do what you got to do, we wake up early, hit the lake before everyone else, and get what good riding in we can. Here is a pic of my spot, krt sorry I threw your thread way off course
lffish, thanks for the props...Heres a short vid of my boat i put together that will give you better look at our riding spot.
krt, I think you are referring to lake Powell right? Lake Powell is an awesome place to ride no doubt, but it is also five hours from where I live so it's not an option for taking quick sets, my closest lake is a 45 min drive away, which isn't too bad.
Bevan that riding spot is pretty much exactly what I have been dreaming of my whole life, it's beautiful! Thanks for the post.--Kam